Essay 6-b
The Bible Rightly Designates Animal Species:
Exposing the Evolutionist Agenda
Are Bats Birds?
A. Leviticus
11:13,19 (also Deut. 14:11‑18)
13: And these…among the fowls (birds in Deut.)…shall not be eaten…(lists many types, eagles, ravens, hawks, owls, vultures etc. and concludes with bats in verse 19)
19:And the stork, the heron...and the lapwing and the bat
The bat, a mammal, is a fowl/bird here, reflecting a more-inclusive early def- inition of fowl/bird not limiting it to the feathered egg-layers of today. The Hebrew here usually denotes all flying creatures, even bats & insects, while today evolutionists have narrowed the definition of birds to specify feathers & egg-laying, in accord with their theory that birds evolved from egg-laying dinosaurs (term specificity keeps increasing, limiting fowl to edible birds). In emphasizing feathers & egg-laying, evolutionists classify as birds non-flying penguins that swim under the sea, but don’t classify as birds flying bats that never swim. The unchanging inerrant Hebrew text won’t reflect whimsical evo- lutionist changes in terminology, and the KJV reflects the true Hebrew sense to preserve inerrancy. In the process, the KJV reveals changing term sense invented by evolutionists who impose their agenda on us and acclimate us to the absurd theory that they propose, theory that discounts the bible's value.
Are Whales Fish?
B. Jonah 1:17 & Matthew 12:40
Rather recently in history scientists restricted the term fish to water dwellers with gills, skeletons of bone or cartilage, and fins. Earlier, the term referred to all creatures living habitually in water, including lung-breathing whales. The more-general earlier meaning still persists, the terms starfish & jellyfish being applied by scientists themselves to creatures with no fins or skeleton, and lungfish to creatures with gills & lungs. Scholars are obscurantist when they fault the KJV for identifying the fish of Jon.1:17 as a lung-breathing whale in Mt.12:40. The term in Jonah offers the more general earlier mean- ing, and whale in Matthew is the correct term for the specific type of large water-dweller. The inerrant Hebrew text uses the term fish to designate all water-dwelling creatures of similar shape & movement, which is a valid app- roach, while evolutionists differentiate whales & fish according to theories that they generate about origins, again imposing their new terminology upon us to advance their agenda.